Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to Cope When You Are Alone on Your Birthday

By Arlin Cuncic, Guide

Birthdays are generally fun when you are a child. As you grow older, birthdays become a nuisance for some in that they are a reminder that you are getting older. For people who suffer with social anxiety disorder (SAD), they can also be a reminder that you are on your own. Here are some tips to cope if you find yourself alone on your birthday.

    Give yourself a makeover. Whether you are a man or a woman, your birthday is a great chance to give yourself a makeover on the outside and the inside. Treat yourself to a new outfit, new hairstyle, and anything else that will give you a boost of confidence. Read books to work on coping with social anxiety so that you will not be alone on future birthdays.

    Bake a cake. Even if no one is coming over, that doesn't mean you can't bake yourself a cake. Don't take a shortcut and buy a storemade version; the goal is to take your time and enjoy the process of baking. Feel proud of what you have accomplished. Share leftovers with a neighbor and you will have the chance to make a new friend.

    Treat yourself. If you aren't expecting any gifts, why not treat yourself to something new? Choose a gift that might help you with your social anxiety such as chamomile tea, or buy yourself something that you have wanted for a while.

    Go hiking. Exercise is a great way to clear your mind and hiking outdoors gives you a chance to connect with nature at the same time. You can feel good about spending your birthday out of the house and doing something good for your health and your mind. If you have a dog, all the better; bring him along and let his natural joy and curiosity lead the way.

    Go see a movie. Treat yourself to a night out at the movies even if you have no one to go with. If you want to lift your spirits, choose a comedy at a time when the theatre will be full. Laugh out loud with everyone else and you won't feel so alone.

    Volunteer. If you are really feeling down about being alone on your birthday, consider offering your services as a volunteer. Spending time chatting with folks at an old age home or offering to walk dogs at an animal shelter are two ways that you can be productive and feel good on your birthday. You might even make new friends and become a regular volunteer. Be sure to call in advance to learn about any requirements prior to volunteering.

    Read. Your birthday is a great time to sit down with a good book. If you have no other plans, at least start that novel or non-fiction book you have had on your list. Your birthday is yours to spend how you choose, and curled up with a good book can be a rewarding day in and of itself.

    Follow your normal routine. If you are really feeling down about having no one to spend your birthday with, consider making it just like any other day. Go about your usual routine, and don't mention to anyone that it is your birthday. This strategy works best if you are not much into birthday celebrations anyway.

    Plan a party for next year. Start thinking about next year if you don't want to be alone on your birthday again. Are there relatives you could visit or friends that you could invite over for dinner? Take the year to make new connections so that you don't find yourself alone again this time next year.

    Be appreciative. Birthdays are a reminder that we are all on the earth for a limited time. Make the most of each day and be appreciative of the little things that make you happy. You never know what is around the corner and how many birthdays you have left.

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